A few years ago I went through a phase of enjoying making drawings of wild flowers and grasses. I enjoy the fine sinuous stems, so elegant and so thin yet just strong enough not to be broken by the wind.

I am not a botanical artist, but to some my approach might sometimes look botanical
I especially enjoy researching the folk-law surrounding the names of plants. I wrote a number of blog posts; here is a list of links to various plants I have researched and illustrated
Grasses particularly fascinate me. Their structures are so extreme, and remind me of the achievements of Gothic architecture. For my way of thinking grasses are even more delicately balanced. The length and thinness of the grass stems, just strong enough to withstand the summer winds and then they seed and disappear back into the ground. Those little capsules the size of pinheads, that overwinter the hash frosts and storms, and then grow and grow and grow, higher and higher and higher. Then just when they are at thinnest, highest and most delicate they stop growing, flower and seed. Their beauty, fragility and autonomy are so miraculous.